Wednesday 11 April 2018, 19:30 - 20:30 Location:
6 St. Edward's PassageLocation:
Peas HillLocation:
CB2 3PJ52.204574x0.118352:14
Our annual AGM. Known for their brevity and social nature - it's never been know to take the whole hour by a long shot.
Come hear what we've been up to this year, and stand for committee - the club won't work without a committee and it's not an onerous job. Could you do it?
The Agenda
Members are able to add business to the agenda - items should be sent to secretary [at] penguincub [dot] org [dot] uk by Wednesday 4th April.
The Elections
All eight positions on the committee are up for election, and at least three of the current committee won't be standing again so it's time to consider if that space on committee is a shape you could fill. The Committee meets about every 4-6 weeks, and the work isn't onerous - it's good fun, and you get to shape the future of the club.
The Committee consists of a Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary & five ‘officers without portfolio’. All eight positions are open to election, including those of current committee members standing for re-election.
Any member of the Penguin Club, is entitled to stand for Committee and vote at the AGM.
All members standing for election must be nominated by a proposer and seconder who are also members of the Penguin Club. (Please get the agreement of the nominee before proposing him/her!)
To stand for any position please email the Secretary, Rachel (secretary [at] penguinclub [dot] org [dot] uk), by Wednesday 4th April, with your name, the position you wish to stand for, and the names of your nominator and seconder. If the necessary number of nominations are received, then the applicants will be deemed elected by default. If more than the required number of nominations are received then a secret ballot will be undertaken. You can find out more about what the different committee roles entail at: and if you've any questions about what's involved, do get in touch either directly with me or with one of the other committee.
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Wed 5 Mar, 20:00 - 23:00
Sun 23 Mar, 13:00 - 16:00
Sun 30 Mar, 09:00 - 18:00
Sun 30 Mar, 19:45 - 23:00
Mon 31 Mar, 19:45 - 23:00